Thursday 25 November 2010

Why so sad keanu...

Right let me start by saying that I have not, I repeat not, called my robot Keanu. However the pose he is in kind of reminded me of those sad Keanu pictures, hence the title. But in all seriousness I created my robot to look sad and downtrodden. He is meant to be based on the idea of Charlie Chaplin, the "Happy Hobo" style as it were, however minus the happy in my robots case. I wanted him to pull on the heartstrings of my audience, I wanted them to feel sorry for him as he is such a tragic figure who is having a bad time of it. This also means that when the "Gag" happens to him there is both a mixture of humour and the "awww" feeling.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Has been a while, but here we go...

So I know it has been a while since I added anything to my blog. There is a very simple reason for this, I did nothing that would of been of interest to anybody. For the past couple of weeks I had been working on my essay, which I think we can all agree does not make for interesting viewing. However I now have a new screenshot of my "bot" as it stands at the moment. The rigging is complete and I hope to have a video of him in full motion soon enough. Also he currently looks too "smart". I intend to work with the polygons to cover him in dents and such, so that he is more in keeping with the hobo effect I was going for. I have also created him to be hunched over, a result of his life not going to plan and the weight of worry upon his shoulders so to speak. His face has also been designed to convey a sense of sadness and depression, with downward slanting eyes and a "bot beard" look to his lower jaw. I have yet to decide whether I want to add a mouth to my robot. so as it stands he currently does not have one.