Tuesday 27 October 2009

One shot short design process

The Discovery Stage
  • As a group we met up at the pulse bar and had a brainstorming session. We bounced ideas of each other and wrote everything down in the hope of coming up with an idea.
  • We discussed ideas that would not break the rules of the project, i.e. the fact that we couldn't move the camera.
The Develpoment Stage

  • We decided to look more at an indoor shoot as that allowed us to make better use of the fact that we could move the camera. With an outdoor shoot there will always be too much to see for a stationary camera and this would deaden our film.
  • We looked at various potential locations for ou shoot, namely the university buildings and shopping areas, however these turned out to beto busy and not what we wanted for our film.
  • One of our group mentioned visiting the gallerys of justice and that a room there might provide what we wanted, so we went and had a look. As it turned out the location worked for us.
  • Now that we had a location in mind and a general idea based on that location we had to write and develop our story. As a group we decided on a court case based story and wrote out script accordingly. As it turned out the script developed with every take as we decided on more to add to it.
The Defining Stage

  • Once we had our story, script and location we felt confident about booking the location for our use. We were given an hour before opening time to do as many takes of our movie as we could.
  • We did an initial take straight away, so we could see what the film looked like and where lighting or props might be needed.
  • With each consecutive take our idea, and thus our film, developed and was refined until we had our final take.
The Delivery stage

  • This stage we havnt done yet but i will write a post about it once we have.

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