Wednesday 25 November 2009

Interactive far

One typical morning by ~XxXRawrberryXxX on deviantART

This is my interactive Narrative as it stands so far. I originally had trouble getting flash to work how i wanted it woo. It took a while to comfigure it to show the photos i was using, which didn't help when i was trying to sort out which slide should navigate where. However once i had got past this roadblock it started to make sense. i have the basic workings sorted now, and just need to finish one branch of the story and neaten the whole thing up. That said however, now that i look at it, I have to admit im not overly happy with the photos. To me they look rushed and would benefit from being redone before the final deadline. However it works and that is always a step in the right direction.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Interactive narrative 2nd seminar

Well im sure everyone who hasnt used flash before came to the same conclusion during that last seminar, that flash is a tough program to use. It dosnt always do what you want it to do, and the inability to see the images whilst working on it dosnt help. Despite this i believe i have made a good start on my project. i have managed to create six frames with working buttons and the buttons are coded to navigate to the appropriate frame. Since doing this I have realised that I need more photos to add to my narrative, as there are holes in the story that need filling. I also need to provide more choices for the user, as currently its more of a story then an interactive.

Friday 6 November 2009

Knife crime interactive narrative

This is an example of interactive narrative bieng used to get a point across. It was an attempt at making people more aware of knife crime, and the consequences of knife crime. Your given a number of choice at the end of each scene, each leading to a different set of choices or an outcome. The point of view style camera work allows you to feel like you are the individual in the narrative, and that the choices you make are affecting you, rather than a faceless camera holder, and this i feel helps to drive home the point about knife crime. There is certainly somthing nasty about being stabbed in the chest whilst watching it through P.O.V camera work.

One shot short

To be perfectly honest I did not enjoy this project as much as I thought i would. It seems to me that I just dont have the makings of a film maker in me. What really bought the whole experiance down for me was the fact that 1) The movie had to be done in one shot, so this left very little room for editing, especially seeing as our group did ours as a point of view shot movie, and 2) once we had placed the tripod and started shooting the movie, we wernt allowed to move the tripod. This seriously hindered our ability to get the right shots, hence our decision to shoot it as a P.O.V movie. As a group we were hindered as well. Getting us all together proved difficult due to work, and trips home, so we had to plan, hire the equipment and shoot the movie all within two days. This certainly didnt help with the quality of the movie itself. All in all I believe that this project could have been done better, but I know that I didnt enjoy it as much as the other two projects I did.