Monday 24 January 2011


Here are just a few doodles I did whilst I was throwing ideas around. They are not overly good but they get the point across


Right, as you already know I am setting my project in the Victorian era, thus I have taken the decision to use elements of SteamPunk in my work. My doctor may be slightly off his rocker, but he is still a genius and a brilliant inventor, thus he would have various contraptions that he has invented and uses in his experiments. SteamPunk allows me to create these futuristic contraptions whilst still retaining the "YE OLDE" Victorian feel.

More Environment


Seeing as I am setting my story in the Victorian age I have gathered a load of pictures of ominous looking Victorian mansions as a reference. Simple eh..... well this is just a basis, I want the house to retain a Victorian essence, however I also want it to express an almost future look. So plenty of glass and steel mixed with Victorian architecture. Yes it sounds like an odd combination but I reckon it will work with the story.

Sunday 23 January 2011

Mad Scientist

As I have chosen Frankenstein as the basis for my project I of course need a scientist, preferably a mad one at that. However this is a picture that caught my eye and makes me think about what I want my scientist to look like, as I rather like the whole gas mask approach as I think it makes him look far more menacing. However I still want to be able to see his eyes so I might aim to make a half gas mask, more like a breathing apparatus than an actual full gas mask.

Thursday 13 January 2011

And finally...

I found this picture of sombody who was as annoyed with the traditional look of Frankensteins monster as I was. He has used the same passage of description as we were given to create his version of the monster. This follows the text to the letter, down to the yellowing skin and black lips. As a reference goes it is pure gold, as it helps form a picture of what the words are saying, and thus gives me a very strong point from which to start.

And now a few more...

Once again...

This version of Frankensteins monster may not have the long hair that I described in an earlier post, however it does display the more human looking side that I want to capture in my own work. The stitching on his face reinforces the fact that he has is Frankensteins monster, and that he is formed of different body parts stitched together. It also gives his face a pained, grimace like expression that I feel works well with the character.

And some more...

Here again is a similar character design to what my initial idea is.

Pictoral reference

This is the first picture I found of Frankensteins monster that does not follow the traditional sqaure look, and oddly enough it is actually similar to what i had in mind.
It may not have the yellow skin or anything, however it does have very drawn skin, the milky eyes and long, flowing hair. As a starting point I doubt I could of found better any sooner...

Initial ideas

New term means new project, and what have i got for you now you may ask..well!
Basically I have chosen to do my version of the Frankenstein script, mainly because is seems to appeal to my slightly odd nature, that and I think the Matrix will be massivly overdone and the fantastic voyage has so many long and confusing descriptive words it makes my head hurt.

So Frankenstein it is! However I am not going to go for that traditional square head, bolts in neck look, oh no! I am going to use the desription from the book, which describes him as follows:
Limbs all in proportion
Yellow skin
Covered in muscles and veins
Long, flowing, black hair
Pearly white teeth
Milky white eyes
Shriveled skin
Straight black lips
Now this I know sounds oddly like the description of a traditional Frankensteins monster, however the fact that the skin is yellow, and that he is meant to have dead eyes and long flowing hair makes him sound more like a zombie than the traditional look of a sad, square man. Thus this is the look I will endeavour to achive.
More to follow....