Saturday 28 May 2011


For this project I was required to reinterpret a script in my own way. We were given a choice of three scripts, or were allowed to choose another suitable script if we wanted, however the Frankenstein script fitted my idea perfectly.

My original idea, and the one I eventually saw through to the end, was to use the Frankenstein story as a base and change it to be a story about the creation of my alias/avatar, Rawrberry. I also changed Dr Frankenstein from the traditional mad doctor in an evil looking castle to a more fitting old man in a greenhouse, thus fitting with the whole creating a strawberry/man creature.

The first few weeks were spent sketching ideas for what Rawrberry and the doctor could look like, as well as ideas for the greenhouse and the building it sat upon. I wanted the house to look slightly ominous, thus fitting with the idea of my doctor being more obsessed with is work then his decor as it were, and overall I think I achieved this with the use of low level lighting and long corridors.

With the doctor I was going for a sort of menacing look mixed with the "your granddad in his slippers" look, which again I think I achieved. Saying this however I wish I had spent more time on the modelling of the character, as there are a few glitches that could of been ironed out, namely his shoulders and his elbows, which had a habit of twisting oddly no matter what I did. Overall though I am happy with him.

The Rawrberry model I made I am not very happy with at all I must admit. He fits in well enough, and he does in fact look like a weird strawberry/man creation, however I feel like I could of achieved so much more with him in terms of shape and movement. However he fits the part and does what I needed him to do so in the end I am satisfied with him.

On this project I feel I have improved in many aspects of my work. Firstly my modelling ability has grown I believe, which given my interest in the visual side of 3D I think is certainly a positive. Also my rigging and animation skills have vastly improved since the bots and bananas project, allowing me to do more with my doctor than I could of ever managed with my robot.

In conclusion I am happy with how this project has turned out. I am happy with the models, for the most part, as well as the animation in general. Despite this I still feel that more time could of been spent making the animation look more polished and flow better, and that the models could also of done with a bit of polishing. Another thing I would of improved on is the addition of sound into my piece, rather than just having music playing. I think this would of tied off the work nicely and is certainly something I will look to improve upon in future projects.

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