Wednesday 9 December 2009

Stop motion- Warriors dance Prodigy

I really like how this video is done, using torn up cigarette packets to create the party goers. I especially like how they tear up and then form the figures.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Finished interactive narrative

Interactive narative project F by ~XxXRawrberryXxX on deviantART

This is my finished interactive narrative project. To be honest im not overly pleased with how it turned out. Sure, the mechanics of it all work, the slides connect properly, and it has a simple enough story to follow, but therin lies the problem. I feel that the story is just too basic, with not enough different choices for the user. Also the photos are not of the best quality, and although I intended to take new photos, I never got the chance due to the time taken by the pixilation project. However despite all this I did enjoy this project a lot, even though Flash was a tough program to get to know. I think given time and enough practice a lot could be achived when using it.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Lego camelot

This is a video response to Monty pythons Camelot song from Monty Pythons Holy Grail. I like how true to the movie this animation is, it folows the real time acting to the letter, with clever lego substitutions throughout. I also like how smoothly the whole animation runs.

This a stop motion lego production of a scene from The Matrix. Again i like how true to the story this animation is. I also like how the creator has managed to recreate the bullet time moments with clear lego discs, giving the effect of the air rippling as the bullet cuts through it.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Influences...and a bit of fun

This is by far the most influential thing for me when it comes to pixilation and stop motion. Robot Chicken is a TV show created by Seth Green. It uses toys of all types to create simple, short sketches. Some of the skecthes are obscure references to old TV shows or childhood stories, and others are based on more famous (or infamous) things. This skecth for example is based on both the X men and the Police Academy movies. I like the fact that the show uses a combination of toys we have probably all played with at some stage, and custom toys pieced together from parts of other toys. For the most part the characters are instantly recognisable, helping to draw the viewer in, and the comedy is random, bordering obsurd. All in all i love it and as far as influences go I think this is definetly a big one. I like is so much I have all 3 series out on DVD so far!

Pixilation seminar 1

Well what can I say. I enjoyed doing pixilation so much and its only the first seminar. Going out and doing our own stop motion was great, if a little chilly. As a group we managed to get about 370 individual shots in about 40 minutes and suprisingly, seeing as this was our first go, it runs relativily smoothly. After coming back from the seminar I decided to do my own. I bought a cheap lego kit and created a story based around that. I managed to get about 330 shots before the camera died so now im just waiting for it to charge then i will get on with doing ore of it.