Sunday 24 January 2010

Context 1 Assignment

Part A

My creativity, over the past few years, has been a combination of a way of getting into university, and thus improving myself, but also about being an outlet, for my thoughts and emotions. It has, for the most part, been a solitary experience for me, with limited group work. I do enjoy group work, but also find that I work better when I can act and work on my own idea in the way I like. Primarily this has always been about me, it has helped me through life at times, allowing me to release and show how I feel, but in the future it will be about other people, getting a message or a meaning across through my work. My way of working was my own decision, as I found that it is what has worked best for me. In the future I want my creativity to be able to allow me to get a point across, or a message. My main aim is to create something that others will be able to relate to, that will entertain or appease them.

Part B

Through research I hope to learn new abilities, new ways to communicate my feelings, my ideas, to other people. Research is a way to help me do this.
In terms of research I find that the descriptive path is one that I follow a lot, investigating a new program, concept or individual, to learn things about them that I didn't previously know. For me the explanatory research path is one that I feel is not relevant to my way of working. I do not often research to find out why something is, but how it is what it is. I'm more interested in the path taken to achieve the final product, as you learn more form the process then you do from the finished product, and learning more is what research is all about for me.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Orange rock corps

This is the orange rock corps advert that was played in cinemas a while back and still is in some. It features a group of people who have been rewarded with tickets to gigs for volunteering to help refurbish a comunity space. What caught my eye with this advert was the use of short stills of each person being put together to form a stop motion animation of sorts. The full advert is just over a minute long an features well over 100 people, either standing or performing a small part of an action (aka drinking water, or brushing their hair back). I particularly like this ad as its playing to what I'am interested in most, animation. I am currently creating my own version of this advert using Lego figures that I have managed to gather, and hopefully I will be able to post the video, or at least a video in progress, of the work.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Avatar- Stunning!!!

I will just start by saying that I loved this file. Visually it was stunning, story wise it was moving, and it was certainly long enough. What would you expect from the most expensive film ever made. The animation is flawless, throughout the entire affair. Normally the CGI sequences seem tacked on in films, or don't blend very well. However not in this one. Seeing as the CGI is the main part it has worked very well. Story wise I gain the impression that it is based on the plight of the Native Americans. There is a very wild west, tribal feel to the entire film, which I personally liked. All in all I believe it to be a great film, and certainly a must see.

Overall what I think caught my eye the most was certainly the CGI elements. The movie and characters, as concepts, were thought us over 10 years ago by James Cameron, however the technology at the time was not able to recreate the characters to his liking. Originally the characters fell into a problem known as the uncanny valley hypothesis. This is the term used to describe a persons reaction to the life like looks of something. It is known as the uncanny valley as the shape of the graph looks like a valley in shape form. The more lifelike the CGI models in Avatar, the more engaged the audience would be, thus Cameron waited until the technology caught up. This film is a clear indication as to how far the animation world had come in the past decade. The characters are so detailed that you almost feel they are alive, the scenery so vivid that you feel like you are actually on Pandora.