Wednesday 10 February 2010

Context 1 practitioners- 2K games

2K games has to be my favourite games developer currently. With games such as Borderlands and Bioshock 2 under their belt they are at the forefront of games design. Borderlands takes the basis of an RPG (role playing game) and speeds it up by mixing it with an FPS (First person shooter). The biggest hook on this games is the way the creators have animated the environments, characters and weapons. They have used cell shading to really give the game a different feel, and in my opinion it really works! The RPG element and sandbox nature of the environments really help to keep gamers interested, with randomly spawned enemies and the ability to level up and customize your characters skills being another hook. Bioshock 2 is the latest title to be released by this legend of a company, and as I said in my previous post about it, this game resonates with me on a massive scale. Again a lot of thought and time has been put into the character and environments, really playing on the run down nature of post first game rapture. I'am using 2K games as one of my practitioners in my context 1 visual essay as they are by fa my favourite games developer and influence a lot of my designs, ideas and thoughts.

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