Wednesday 3 February 2010

2K games and Bioshock 2- a game for those liberal people out there

Ok so as a few of you may know I am a bit of a games nut, and accordingly I follow loads of games companies on facebook and the like. Anyhow the big story in the line at the moment is the imminent release of Bioshock 2. For those of you who don't know it is the sequel to the first game (obviously) and takes place in the city of Rapture. Rapture is the brainchild of Andrew Ryan, a liberal man who builds a city on the bottom of the ocean. The reason for this? By building his city at the bottom of the ocean he has created a haven for all the liberal people who are tired of their governments oppression. In his own words "A place where the artists will not fear the censor". This is an idea that has meaning to me, not the whole building a city underwater part, but the idea of having a place where the artist has no need to fear censorship, where freedom of speech and the freedom to view what you want is available, not just talked about. People may claim to be liberal with their thoughts and ideas and governments may say they are more understanding but there is still so much that we are never told and are not allowed to see. In the city of Rapture there is no censorship, there is no god, there is only freedom. The second game has you returning to this utopia of free speech and expression, this time as a Big daddy, Raptures diving suit clad protectors and hunters. This is a step away from the original game that had you playing a brainwashed man sent to kill Raptures creator. The visuals are still incredible, with Rapture being bought to life with next generation graphics. The platforms such as the PS3 really help to bring this fictional city to life, allowing you to get a feel for it. Granted the city is very run down ever since everything went wrong, with plasmids (gene replacements that give the users powers such as fire or lightning) the populace went mad and started to regress, becoming horrible, twisted parodies of their former selves. Now these splicers as they are called have regressed to new lows and stalk around Rapture in a perpetual hunt. As the protector it is your job to rid the place of them. In doing this you get to explore what remains of a true liberal paradise, and thus see the aftermath of what happened to Rapture and its citizens. I'm massively excited about this game and cant wait to play it. Release date is the 9th of February and I will certainly be at the front of the queue to get it. I will also write another post about Bioshock 2 once I play it, looking more into the character models and environments.

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