Wednesday 28 April 2010

Weapon obsession continued

So I am not sure about this one. I want a grenade launcher in my arsenal but this model isn't quite what I expected to come out of my mind. However it does have a rather interesting look to it so I reckon I will keep it. I might well work on another version but not right now as I have other models to make =p Until then...

So after a long night of work, here is some more...

These pictures show some of the changes I have made to my models. I made grips for the handles on both the rifle and the pistol as well as removing the flash suppressor from the pistol and shortening the barrel. I did this because the pistol looked way too front heavy, meaning the barrel would drop when firing. Plus it just made it look way to bulky anyhow. I also created a sniper rifle modification by adding a longer barrel, a bi pod and a scope on top of the rifle. This allows me to load out the armoury with all the weapons you would expect an evil villain to equip his henchmen with. Anyhow enjoy...

Tuesday 27 April 2010

And the next instalment...

Ok so I appear to of got a little obsessive tonight with the whole modelling thing, thus this second creation for my armoury. This pistol follows the same basic design as the rifle, as is standard with any evil armies arsenal (why spend money on different style weapons when you can make similar ones for cheaper and spend the savings on more henchmen?) Anyhow since I did the rifle first and this follows the same basic design and is obviously smaller it took less time, around about 30 minutes in fact. Now that's two weapons down and maybe a couple more to go, will keep you posted my loyal fans!

And the chewy armoury filling...

So as you can see this is a gun. I know your probably reeling from that shocking statement but one can't help that. The reason I have created this model though, apart from being rather fun, is to allow me to create an armoury in my Super villains lair. Now I know what your saying, villains don't use guns! They use some over the top mega death ray cannon that always blows up! Well true they do, however my villain is somewhat of a genius, and as such has hired henchmen to help do his evil bidding and run the lair. These stupid yet tough men are not above using your conventional, everyday firearms and as such a need for a place to store them was found. And when you have an armoury, you must have weapons with which to fill it, hence this rifle. It is just one of many weapons I am creating to fill the armoury, other screens will follow in the next day or so showing the others I have created. Till then I leave you with this...

Total time to make said rifle was about one and a half hours. I have yet to add materials to it however. I am waiting for the seminar on adding them so that I have a better understanding of how to do so and thus can make it look rather good.

Monday 26 April 2010

Just a quickie...

For my visual essay I have had the idea of using 3DS MAX to create an art gallery as it were and then have the viewer take a virtual tour around it. I originally thought this idea would be mine and mine alone, however after browsing some of the other blogs I have discovered somebody else as crazy as me =p Well I am sticking with the idea and will post screens once I have the basic thing done...

So I have been commissioned...

All right maybe commissioned is the wrong word but what has happened is that one of my friends has asked me to design and make some buildings for an RTS game he is working on. Am I excited by this idea? You better believe it!!! RTS games are my number one favourite of all times and being able to be part of making one (no matter how small or low budget) fills me with so much enthusiasm and excitement that I haven't stopped drawing ideas since he asked me. As I have my virtual environments project to do at the moment I will be working on the models for this over the summer but rest assured I shall be posting screens on here throughout so keep coming back to see what I have made =)

Welcome to my lair! Mwhaha

Well here we have the first look at what is soon to become my lair. As you can see it is a bit on the large side, and at the moment seems to resemble a German bunker complex but that will soon all change (hopefully!!!) I realise the brief said to do around 4 rooms but I got a bit carried away with my design, mainly because I was enjoying it so much, so I have a dilemma, I either give up my life and do all the rooms or I spend time on 4 of the rooms and then leave the others as sort of a continuous project. The second is more likely, as this means I can keep adding to it and make it rather formidable =) What I have so far I found pretty easy to create, and was able to do it within a couple of hours, the interiors will obviously take more time but I am confident that I can create something rather cool with this =)

Sunday 4 April 2010

After more work on my cannon

After more practice I have made some changes to my original cannon. I have made a new support for the rear of the cannon, making it look more like the picture I used as a reference. I have also added metal work to the wheels and a towing ring to the rear support. All in all I think these improvements help to make it look much more realistic and I for one am happy with it =)

Saturday 3 April 2010

Finally getting the hang of this... sort of

Well I set myself the task of getting to know 3DS MAX over the Easter, thus giving myself a bit of a hand when I start the lair project. As such I borrowed a book from my library called the 3DS MAX 2009 Bible. This book is 1200 pages of tutorials and tips, starting from the basics and moving up to more complicated stuff. So here is the first tutorial I decided to have a go at, a cannon! There are several pictures, the more basic one is where the tutorial leads you too, giving you a basic cannon with out much detail or originality, or for that matter very much colour. The others show how I have edited the materials and added additional details, such as the pile of cannonballs and the handles on the back of it. I have also added a light source in the shape of the sun and a horizon line. Now that I am getting more used to the program I am really starting to enjoy using it, and seeing as this is the pathway I want to take next year this is certainly a good thing =p I will updating my blog with pictures of further projects I try, so keep checking to see what I have made =)

Friday 2 April 2010

Thinking of lairs.....

Right, well seeing as I will be starting the Virtual Environments project in a weeks time I think its time I started to look at how I want my lair to look. My biggest influence I have to say is the work of 2K games, in their games "Bioshock" and "Bioshock 2". The architecture of Rapture is what brings the games to life, and as such I want to try to incorporate this into my lair. It's a combination of 50's and 60's Architecture and what deep sea architecture would look like from that time. It kind of reminds me of the old style diving suits, but in city form, if that isn't a weird comparison...