Monday 26 April 2010

Welcome to my lair! Mwhaha

Well here we have the first look at what is soon to become my lair. As you can see it is a bit on the large side, and at the moment seems to resemble a German bunker complex but that will soon all change (hopefully!!!) I realise the brief said to do around 4 rooms but I got a bit carried away with my design, mainly because I was enjoying it so much, so I have a dilemma, I either give up my life and do all the rooms or I spend time on 4 of the rooms and then leave the others as sort of a continuous project. The second is more likely, as this means I can keep adding to it and make it rather formidable =) What I have so far I found pretty easy to create, and was able to do it within a couple of hours, the interiors will obviously take more time but I am confident that I can create something rather cool with this =)

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